We're happy to share that Goodwings is featured in Forbes!
The article with the fitting name "Goodwings Turns Travel Net Zero" is written by Christopher Marquis, an active contributor to Forbes. Christopher is the author behind a series of Forbes articles focusing on how companies are creating a more resilient and sustainable capitalism.
In this article, Marquis addresses the issues facing the travel and tourism industry, and the demand for sustainable travel that is now on the rise. Based on an in-depth online interview with our CEO and founder, this article touches on the underlying issues in the travel industry, how to measure success as a hotel booking site if you are not in it for the bookings, and why there is a need to enable Net Zero travel.
You can read the full article here.

Excerpt from the article
"As we emerge from the pandemic, when travel and tourism fell by more than 75%, we must look for better solutions to reduce the environmental impact of this critical industry.
Fortunately, the demand for sustainable travel has been on the rise. Recent studies show that almost 90% of us want to travel more sustainably, yet very few are willing to pay extra for it. That goes for both leisure and business travel. Part of the underlying issue is the technology tools that have been created to make travel booking easier. This is great for the consumer, but the popularity of price comparison websites have resulted in a situation where price is the main parameter driving booking behavior. How to meet the demand for sustainability, yet maintain the convenience of the on-line booking sites while also not compromising on price?
One company that is aiming to make a difference in this area is Goodwings, a Certified B Corporation based in Denmark that makes travel more sustainable by calculating a person’s carbon emissions during a trip (transportation, lodging, meals, etc.) and then removing an equal amount of carbon from the atmosphere. Goodwings is focused on making business travel more sustainable, as we return to post-pandemic work." Read the full article here.