Goodwings Blog

Webinars & Podcasts

Goodwings webinar roundup, 2021

Goodwings 2021 webinar roundup. STHLM Tech Meetup, B-Corp Group, Dasgupta, Sistema B International, NOAH Conference

Webinars & Podcasts

The top 5 Goodwings blogs in 2021

As we just recently entered 2022, we wanted to wrap up 2021 by listing some of Goodwings most read blogs in 2021! 

Press Coverage

We're featured in Forbes!

Goodwings is featured in Forbes! The article "Goodwings Turns Travel Net Zero" written by Christopher Marquis, features an in-depth online interview...

Press Coverage

Goodwings featured in The Company Dime

Goodwings was featured in The Company Dime article 'Buyers, intermediaries to hold hotels accountable for environmental protection'

Press Coverage

We were featured in Børsen

April 7 2021 Goodwings were featured in the Danish business newspaper, Børsen! The article sheds light on the transformation we, at Goodwings, went...